By Elmari Greyling · Oct 1, 2022




Dear Clients and friends,


It's such an absolute pleasure to welcome you to the first SOMETHING DECADENT BLOG blog for Gummy Berry Juice SA Pty Ltd.



Let me introduce myself

I am Elmari Greyling, 42, and the Owner of Something Decadent Handmade by Elmari. Baker of fine and unique, bespoke cakes and macarons but will always fit in with a client that has a love for Melkkos.

My journey with Cathy Olckers (CEO of Gummy Berry Juice South Africa Pty Ltd) started on 9 March 2022. I was beyond frustrated with my weight and body and literally tried everything on the market. 


I was on my way to a size 44 and had to make a decision: Buy new clothes or give Gummy Berry juice a try.

Most of you will know by now that in 8 weeks I dropped the following size: going on 44 to a size 36. 

WITH NO DIETING OR EXERCISE because my work schedule is beyond crazy. Most of all: These products helped me to get control of my weight EFFORTLESSLY.


I have been struggling to get my normal weight back since 2018. By 2021 and the start of 2022 I was pushing my body to exercise every day and followed a diet during the week. 

It felt impossible to loose weight but so easy to gain weight just by looking at a potato.


One of my brides came to pick up a wedding cake in February and I immediately saw that she lost so much weight, but most importantly: she looked healthy and her skin was glowing. It was then when I started my research and contacted Cathy Olckers. 


My first question was: WHAT is Gummy Berry Juice and WHY should I use it?

I've tried literally everything on the market. Why should I use your products? 


The answer came very clear from her side in the sentence: I think your body is depleted from estrogen and you maybe have an underactive thyroid that you don’t even know of.

I took a leap of faith, literally. 

My first day on the products I felt Great, no side effects, no energy spikes, no heart palpitations and my cravings were gone. 


Fast forward to today… I am more healthy, loving my body than ever before.


I never wanted to be skinny, my bone structure is not built that way, but I wanted to fit in my clothes that I absolutely loved and could not wear. I want to be healthy,

I want to get through my day with ease, without effort and being in control of my weight made my life so much easier.

So where to start: its easy, let me tell you WHAT IS GUMMY BERRY JUICE AND WHY IS IT SUCH A WONDERFUL PRODUCT TO USE?

It’s a juice that you drink 2 times a day.

Shake the bottle and drink 5 to 10ml undiluted.


We have 3 flavours:

Very Berry

Citrus Buzz

Blue Raspberry


What is the use of this juice:


It regulates your blood sugar (that is my go to – the moment my blood sugar levels are functioning normal, I can operate and function in my job.)


It gives you sustainable energy. 

(I need as much energy as I can get and then some more to make up for Eskom load shedding)


SUPPORT my thyroid which I was in desperate need for because it was not functioning normally. 

(the moment your thyroid starts functioning normally, your mood increases and your weight is maintained.)

No cravings. You literally have no cravings for chocolates and chips and the day I need my cheese curls on those extra load shedding days I can eat it without feeling guilty.


 My focus and brain health has never been better. Your cortisol levels (stress hormone) are reduced to function normally (we all need our cortisol levels to be as normal as possible.


Stress is one of the main factors we cannot loose weight. 

That, and not getting enough sleep.

 Best of all: it takes the fat in your body and the food you eat to use and utilise it for energy.

I always tell my clients: Gummy Berry Juice makes you want to drink water and the moment your body starts taking in water the healthier you will be. If you don’t like water, flavour it.


I love my Slender Collagen Cranberry or Slender Sachets tropical flavour in my water which makes it easier for me to keep hydrated.


Gummy Berry Juice changed my life and this is just the start.

Next time I'm going to tell you more about the combination of Gummy Berry Juice and our incredible product called DIM+.


DIM was created to eat away stubborn belly, hip and thigh fat and it gives you lean muscle.

Best of all: it puts back all the good estrogen in your body and makes you feel 28 again.


Till next time Stay safe my friends and be good to one another!


Sweetest Regards 


Elmari Greyling


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